Nutrition Value
The biggest reason that this vegetable is loved so much is, because it has a high density of nutrition in every bite! Every 200 grams of boiled and skinless sweet potatoes contains…
- 180 calories
- 4 grams carbs
- 4 grams protein
- 3 grams fat
- 6 grams fibre
- Vitamin A 769% of the daily value
- Vitamin C 65% of the daily value
- Manganese 50% of the daily value
- Vitamin B6 29% of the daily value
- Potassium 27% of the daily value
- Pantothenic acid 18% of the daily value
- Copper 16% of the daily value
- Niacin 15% of the daily value
The purple and orange varieties of sweet potato are especially rich in antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals. Free radicals are elements in the body that can trigger inflammation and oxidative stress. This oxidative stress and the damage caused by the free radicals can be linked to cancer, heart disease, and ageing. Besides protecting us from cancer and slowing down ageing, let’s look at other benefits of eating sweet potatoes regularly.
1.Improve Gut Health
Our gut health or digestive health heavily relies on our consumption of fibres. There are two types of fibres; soluble and insoluble. Sweet potatoes have both types. Fibres are not digested by the body, so they remain in the gut and help other ways. Soluble fibres stay in the digestive tract and absorb water to make the stools softer. On the other hand, insoluble fibres perform the other function by adding bulk and solidity to the stools.
2.Support Vision
Sweet potatoes have a high content of beta-carotene, which makes the sweet potatoes orange. You must’ve heard your grandmother telling you to finish your carrots because they grant good vision. The same thing that makes carrots orange is responsible for imparting this colour to the sweet potatoes. Beta-carotene is absorbed by the body and converted into Vitamin A, which forms light-detecting receptors inside the eyes.
3.Improves Brain Functionality
Purple sweet potatoes have rich anthocyanins that protect the brain from inflammation and free radical damage. According to a study, this compound helped mice in improving memory retention and learning abilities. Adding sweet potatoes to your daily diet will reduce the risk of mental decline and dementia.
4.Strengthens Immune System
As discussed earlier, orange sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene, which is then converted into vitamin A. Having low Vitamin A in your bloodstream has been linked to reduced immunity and a weakening system. Vitamin A is vital to the immune system and is also responsible for maintaining healthy mucous membranes in the gut lining. The gut is exposed to many disease-causing pathogens, which is why a healthy gut is important for a healthy immune system.
People who are taking beta-blockers medication should avoid having sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are already a potassium-rich vegetable but combined with beta-blockers that already increase the potassium level in the body will create health complications. Also, people with kidney problems should avoid potassium-rich sweet potatoes because they will have trouble removing the excess amounts.
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