

Sattvic Foods for Mahashivratri: What to Eat & Avoid - Shreeji Foods
संसारसारं भुजगेन्द्रहारंसदा वसन्तं हृदयारविन्दे ।भवं भवानीसहितं नमामि ॥ Maha Shivratri is a night of divine significance, marking the celestial uni...

Chikki the Perfect Snack to Satisfy Your Craving for Crunch!
Monsoon is when we love lazing around in the comfort of our homes and munching on something. In times like these, when our food cravings are heigh...

5 Dry Fruits To Include In Your Diet To Stay Healthy
Dry fruits are considered to be superfoods and hence it is essential to include them in your daily diet. They support not only your physical healt...

Chikki Recipe | How to Make Chikki at Home

Making the perfect chikki is all about choosing the right ingredients in perfect quantities. The jaggery is the key to a good chikki since it holds everything together and the primary sweetening agent in the recipe. Unfortunately, common types of jaggery like organic ball jaggery or unrefined jaggery do not go well for the recipe. They turn hard and stringy, even after you cook it past the suggested hard ball stage.
