This is the age of educated decisions when it comes to your diet. Many people like to count their calories and make sure that their diets are balanced according to their nutritional needs and health goals. In all these latest trends, another one is learning about naturally occurring superfoods. Superfoods are nutritionally dense food items that provide you with more benefits in less volume.
Today we’re talking about a tropical treat in India that is lesser-known for its nutritional values and more for its unorthodox and unique taste. Indian Gooseberry, also known as Amla or Awla, is a famous fruit in the country. It is a tangy fruit with a versatile flavour profile. Its flavours vary from bitter, pungent, sweet, astringent, and of course, sour. The word Amla is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Amlaki’, which means nectar of life. From what you’ll learn about the fruit in this article, you will very much agree by the end!
So let’s learn about the many health benefits of this fantastic fruit!
Improves Immunity
This benefit is an essential one, especially in our modern times where illnesses are everywhere. The Covid19 Pandemic makes it even more important to maintain the strength of your immunity. Amla has more Vitamin C than orange and more antioxidants than an acai berry. Both these elements are vital in boosting immunity. It fights both viral and bacterial ailments efficiently.
Fights Infections and Chest Congestions
The common cold is called common for a reason. It is an annoying non-fatal disease that leaves us restless for a week. Chest congestion is one of the common cold symptoms that fills like a ton of bricks on the chest. Amla mixed with honey is a wonderful mix to treat colds and infections instantly. It also very effectively heals chest congestions and makes you feel good about breathing again!
Prevents Constipation
Acidity and constipation is a common occurrence for a lot of people. Modern-day eating habits especially can sometimes mean bad news for the stomach. Amla is alkaline or basic in nature. This balances out the acidity. It is also high in fibre content which eases bowel movements. Amla’s anti-inflammatory properties make it an excellent aid for stomach and digestion-related issues.
Aids Weight Management
Are you one of the millions looking to manage their weight well? Let this wonderful fruit help you with that! Amla juice is excellent for people who are watching their weight since it can improve digestion and increase metabolism. Many people reap the benefits of raw Amla too! All you have to do is have some dried Amla on an empty stomach. It works wonders to aid your efforts of weight loss.
Natural Blood Purifier
The rich Vitamin C content in Amla makes blood vessels thicker and stronger. This naturally helps in purifying blood at a great pace and efficiency. It also detoxifies the body from toxins. Amla mixed with a teaspoon of honey or jaggery will help you improve blood quality and act as a purifier for your stomach.
Improves Eyesight
With the rapid increase in average screen engagement that people go through daily, eyesight takes the most hits. At very young ages, it is seen that teenagers and young adults have an impaired vision. Consuming Amla regularly will improve your vision since it contains carotene. It also keeps eye problems like cataracts, reddening and itching, and watering eyes at bay.
Shreeji Foods is where the best quality of Dry Fruits & Groceries Products are available at the most affordable prices.
We have a good collection of Dry Fruits & Groceries that include Dried Fruits, Apricots, Seeds, Dry Dates, Mukhwas.
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