If all healthy food could be tasty and quick to make, we would be living in a happier world ruled by supreme specimens of our kind. But as it stands, foods like burgers, tacos, and pizzas were invented, and they became way tastier and quicker alternatives to what is considered healthy. These aforementioned food items are only the tip of the iceberg for the category of foods described as junk. This includes fried and processed foods like chips, soft drinks, and many famous snacks that you can buy off a shelf.
These foods are high in calories, sugar, and fats and lack the required nutrition like dietary fibres, protein, vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients. In their early years of starting to earn, most adults spend about 40% of their income on junk food. That is a staggering and scary statistic, considering that most health issues stem from unhealthy eating! It is impossible to go through all the health problems caused by junk food in one blog, so we will discuss some of them.
1. Constipation
The biggest problem with such unhealthy foods is the lack of dietary fibres. Dietary fibres play an important role in the digestive system’s proper functioning. The two types of fibres, i.e. soluble and insoluble, are responsible for shaping and forming stool for better elimination. Eating junk food a lot will cause constipation because the food cannot be processed efficiently by the digestive system.
2. Heart Disease and Stroke
You must’ve heard the word cholesterol before. Cholesterol clogs the arteries and becomes the cause of heart diseases and strokes. Fast food is high in the content of salts and sugars, which cause cholesterol to be out of control. It also increases blood pressure which is not good for the heart either.
3. Blood Sugar Spike
This reason is one of the most common ones for avoiding junk food. It is not even because of sweet foods, since white flour has a high amount of sugar. These sugars from different sources in junk food cause more insulin production in the body that can lead to obesity.
4. Dental Problems
Junk food is high in sugars and carbs. This means these components produce acids that ruin your teeth' enamel and bring forth poor dental hygiene. On top of that, the extra salt and sugar in such foods also stick to the teeth, leading to tooth decay and cavities.
5. Causes Skin Issues
Carbohydrates and fats can cause heat in the body that comes out incorrectly, mostly in the form of skin problems like acne and pimples. Fried foods also have the tendency to make the skin itchy.
6. Bloating and Puffiness
Packaged foods can be really high in sodium. Additional sodium comes from added preservatives and flavouring. High sodium can cause trouble in retaining water in the body, making the stomach feel bloated or swollen.
7. Increase in Anxiety
There is plenty of anxiety to go around already. We’re exposing ourselves to food that lacks omega-3 fatty acids that cause stress and mental unfitness by eating junk foods. Also, high sugar levels in the blood make you more vulnerable to feelings of fear, fatigue, depression, and paranoia.
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