

Surprising Benefits of Clove Oil
  Nature is full of wonders, especially those that can improve human health. One such component is the clove. Cloves are a very famously used spic...

Why Are Dates Good for Health in Winters?
  As soon as the winds turn cold, our body’s needs change. Especially if you live in India, chances are you have heard the folklore of winter food...

How Much Aloe Vera Juice to Drink Daily for Better Health?
Aloe Vera is considered by many to be a wonder plant because it has tons of healing benefits. Many people try to include Aloe Vera in their system...

Health Benefits of Makhana (Fox Nut)
When we think of the festive season, the tradition of fasting comes to mind. And when we think about fasting, all the yummy foods allowed during fasts soon come to take our thoughts too. One of these foods is Makhana. The soft cottony fox nuts are a great delicious, and very healthy snack to have at any time. Even if you’re not fasting, fox nuts would be a great snack in the evening. Just roast a bowl full of fox nuts in some ghee with salt and pepper, and you have an amazing pastime snack. 

How is Jaggery different from Sugar?
There have been recent major awareness about the harmful side effects of consuming processed sugar consistently. People have been looking for alternatives to sweeten the recipes they have grown to love and adore and want to enjoy without sugar. A lot of artificial sweeteners are present in the market now, and people also use honey. 

Sweet Potato Nutrition Value, Benefits, & Side Effects
We are always looking to include foods in our diet that provide the most benefits while being tasty and light on the stomach. So today, we will talk about one such vegetable that is starchy, sweet, and full of health benefits! Sweet potatoes are root vegetables that are grown everywhere in the world. They come in different colours like orange, white and purple, based on where they are grown. They are a good source of many essential nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. They provide many health benefits and are very easy to include in your diet.

Beetroot: Benefits, Nutrition and Side Effects
Once people start getting into healthy living more and more, they realise that there is plenty that nature offers when it comes to healthy nutrition. One such example is the beet plant. The plant is quite famous for its medicinal and culinary use. The root and leaves are used as both medicine and used as a vegetable for food. It is a famous natural component to include in your diet if you look for increased athletic performance. It is also aided in improving digestive health, reducing muscle soreness, controlling blood pressure, and controlling liver diseases.
