

Chia Seeds: Benefits and Nutrition

People seeking healthier food replacements for their regular consumption usually do a lot of research and come across Chia seeds. These tiny black seeds are said to be one of the healthiest superfoods on the planet. They are loaded with nutritious goodness that is great for both the body and the brain. So what gives them such a gigantic stature? Let’s take a deep dive into it in today’s topic.

Low Sugar Dried Fruits that are Actually Good for Health

Fruits are loved by everyone. Regardless of your age and taste palette, even you must have some favourite fruit. If we are looking to refresh our taste buds and do so in a healthy way, fruits are an ideal choice. But if you want to take the nutritional experience one step further without compromising on taste, dry fruits are an even better option! If you have a habit of snacking when you are anxious, bored, or hungry between meals, dry fruits are your best friends. Dry fruits are still your best friend if you have a sugar craving but are trying to watch your calorie intake.

5 Best Ways To Eat Khakhras

Khakhra started as a light snack made from leftover rotis or chapattis that were dehydrated and turned crispy. They have a lot of cultural significance for a lot of Indian sub-cultures. From being snacks made from leftovers, khakhras turned into popular snacks that are now commercially made in many flavors like methi, jeera, panipuri, and many more! You can simply go to the market and get a set of crunchy and delicious snack disks, which can be enjoyed with tea, yogurt, or simply by themselves.

Protein Bars v/s Protein Shakes

It is common knowledge at this point that to get gains and weight loss, one must have a protein-rich diet. People have ways of getting that required protein input, and they do so by incorporating many types of protein-rich ingredients in their meals like meats, pulses, etc., but the number one way of increasing protein in your system is by taking special protein-rich supplements like protein bars and shakes. So out of the two, which one is better? To answer that question, let’s take a deep dive into the differences between protein shakes and protein bars.

Why should Fast Food be Avoided in Daily Life?
As the name suggests, fast food is the kind of food that can be prepared quickly and exists to serve the taste buds more than anything else. Fast food is very popular because it is convenient, quick, and very tasty. It is also, in most cases, very affordable. They are found in big and small fast food chains, including counter service, take-out, and dine-in. But one thing that almost everybody is aware of is that fast food isn’t good for the human body. 

The Process to make Turmeric Powder At Home

Turmeric is one of the most important spices in Indian cuisine. Not just in India, but turmeric has started to see acceptance and love all around the world! The bright yellow spice is known for its exceptional medicinal qualities and is well regarded to dissipate symptoms of illnesses almost instantly. It also adds wonderful color to whatever recipe it is added to and has a nice fragrance as well. In India, people enjoy roasted turmeric and sugared milk as a healing elixir that works wonders for cold and cough.

Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Who knew as a kid that eating chocolate would have health benefits! The distinction that needs to be understood is that we are talking about dark chocolate and not milk or white chocolate, as they are more of leisure products than health beneficiaries like dark chocolate is. Dark chocolate is a superfood that is rich in antioxidants and has a whole lot of nutrients. It is bittersweet in taste and is very good for making desserts or even regular savoury recipes.

Black Tea Recipes to Try at Home

Tea is something we’re all familiar with. Each of us has tried one variant or another in the form of a beverage. The most commonly consumed tea variants are black tea and green tea. But, because of its flavour and versatility to go with many recipes, black tea is a very suitable tea to have by itself or with meals. It is more common to be an everyday beverage, especially in Europe, North America, and India.

How to Make Amla Candy at Home?

Amla or Indian Gooseberry is a very nutrient-rich fruit with numerous health benefits. It is a sour-tasting fruit that can be had as a powder or candy. After a heavy meal, consuming amla can help the digestive process perform its duties smoothly. It is also a rich source of Vitamin C. If you are trying to look after your hair in a better way, consuming amla is a step in the right direction.

What are the Benefits of Triphala?
  When we dive deep into the world of herbal medicine and dry fruits, we come across this combination of dry fruits with excellent healing propert...

Health Benefits of Oregano
  We are all aware of the sweet fragrance and the popping taste of oregano. The aroma with which we relate Italian cuisine favourites like pasta a...

Surprising Benefits of Clove Oil
  Nature is full of wonders, especially those that can improve human health. One such component is the clove. Cloves are a very famously used spic...
